Sunday, 5 April 2009

Worst Places to be in During an Earthquake

Since a small shake just took place in Caracas, and taking into consideration how big this city is, I've decided to speak for the victims without a voice: those in awkward places at the time. This is my list:

1- In the bathroom using the facilities
2- The waterslides in los Cortijos
3- Hungover while eating lunch (it's a state of mind, so it counts)
4- Having an epileptic relapse
5- Dancing to the rhythm of drum 'n bass
6- Confessing in Church
7- Playing Monopoly (so much for remembering where everything used to be)
8- Test-driving an off-read vehicle
9- In a pool, and feel how the newly created crack at the bottom is sucking this pool dry
10- Eating a big bowl of jello, and watch it shake uncontrolably for about 20 seconds
11- About to take off in an airplane.
12- Arriving home after three hours stuck in traffic,sighing and saying to yourself "it's good to be home"
13- Very far away from any table that might be useful for cover
14- Using a dildo
15- Building a house out of cards
16- Being dyslexic and reading thoroughly in oder to not get lost within the reading
17- Setting the sensitivity sensor on any appliance that might recquire one
18- Wishing hell would break loose (it might take more than an instant to stop believing in the power of words after that one)
19- Having Parkinson's Disease and trying to pour yourself something to drink
20- And finally, stuck in a family reunion with ALL of your family; including the elder members, that frighten easily and have to survive without being victim of some sort of phychotic trauma to the loud panicking of grandmum and grandad about to have seissure.

This was the list
Today's word: Slanted

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